Kann man mit 9€ DB Ticket nach Sylt fahren?

Wohne momentan in München und frage mich ob ich mit dem 9€ Ticket der Deutschen Bahn nach Sylt fahren kann. Ich stelle mir diese Frage weil das Ticket ja ICE und IC ausschließt. Ich bin bereit um die 10-20€ für Bus oder UBahn auszugeben falls nötig. Anzahl der Umsteige sind mir egal.

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2 years ago

What question, surely you’re going anywhere with local traffic. In every big city and every village with railway connection. Not with long-distance traffic.

Because it’s less, I’m starting with this.

You can’t drive, remote traffic.

IC/ICE/EC/NJ/FlixTrain/Bus. Other private buses in Germany


You can drive

  1. urban transport,
  2. buses, trams, subway,
  3. Regional buses
  4. As a train RE/RB
  5. and various other railway companies.

To make no mistake, look before the ride.

http://www.bahn.deor the DB Navigator.

Enter data AND


click. Then you’re looking for the system only connections you can drive. So you have tickets here max, print out.

IMPORTANT! If there is no 9€ behind the connections but a different price does not apply as the 9€ ticket.


More details here



And P.S. here helps search I saved the answer and inserted 20 times as a response in 3 days. 10 min last time.

2 years ago

Yes, it is possible. The fastest connection takes 151⁄2 hours, and you need to change 6 times.

2 years ago

At least six times and almost 16 hours of driving time.

2 years ago

Sure. You are 10-17 std

2 years ago

Yeah, I can. From Munich it is about the 16 hours driving time. I’ll drive Sylt, too.

2 years ago

Just looked after.
You need a little more than 15 hours and have to change 6x, because you can only use trains of local traffic.

2 years ago

Can you do if you want to spend all day in trains.

The driving time is 15 hours and 34 minutes 🙈

2 years ago
Reply to  klopapierlol

I am

2 years ago

Will go, but only half eternity are on the way

2 years ago

Yes, from Hamburg or near train stations.

2 years ago

Moin, you can use any local traffic. So you can