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goes without further, but will be overtaken by the truck when it is in a hurry.
80 on the highway goes by car
You can. More than 60 km/h must be able to afford your vehicle.
Yeah, you can…
Yeah, it’s okay, but it depends on what you’re driving. By car it is definitely too slow. There’ll be a number of trucks overtake you. This probably creates dangerous situations.
The minimum speed is 60 km/h. However, you have to adapt to the conditions and 80 km/h is realistic!
Sure you can. Whether it should be the question
You can, but that’s not legal. You need to keep up with the flowing traffic. They’re 90km/h, because you’re gonna impede the truck.
Hello, this is the best answer so far, so it is in the StVO $3 para. 2. But I doubt that there is really a disability if the highway is at least two lanes and there is no overtaking ban on trucks, so that they always have the possibility to overtake. Whether the 10 km/h difference is really a hindrance within the meaning of the law seems to me also questionable. Unfortunately, the paragrapf is not more concrete. Thank you, T.
Can you do me whenever I have the follower
Otherwise I prefer to drive around the 90 so that the trucks don’t push me
Make the truck driver’s license and drive in a forwarding
You can. But only if you use the left track
At least 61 km/h are required. 80 go clear, as fast as trucks are on the way.
There is no minimum speed the car has to be able to drive faster than 60
Can you
Can do it, but then it’s just fucked
yes 60kmh is minimum
Incorrect there is no at least speed
Generally not, but on certain sections of the route a minimum speed can be arranged on certain tracks.
the vehicle must be able to drive faster than 60
e.g. 50 on the side of the Kindinger Berg