Kann man Mastschweine auch auf Balkon masten weil Garten ist zu klein?
Ein Schwein braucht doch etwas mehr Auslauf als einen Quadratmeter Balkon, oder?
Ein Schwein braucht doch etwas mehr Auslauf als einen Quadratmeter Balkon, oder?
Markus rühl würde ja auch einen Hund essen. Des Bedarfs.
Hey ich schaffe es einfach nicht zu 100 % vegan mich zu ernähren. Es liegt auch daran, dass ich gerade im Krankenhaus bin und da nur als Essen vegetarisch auswählen kann. Bei der Eisdiele habe ich zb. auch eine vegetarische Ausnahme gemacht.
Wünsche Eure Empfehlungen.
nen halben Döner und 80g gekochten Buchweizen mit einer champion Soße 40g Müsli mit 5g Dinkel gepufft und noch 100g vom high Protein kalorienarme Erdbeereeis vom rewe hab das Gefühl das war Zuviel
400€ im März, 300 € im April August für 2 Übernachtungen – Doppelzimmer zum teilen für 2 Personen Parkplatz kostet pro Übernachtung 20€ extra keine Verpflegung dabei. Frühstücksbuffet kann man zubuchen – pro Frühstück und pro Person 20 € !! für 20€ komme ich 2 – 3 Tage mit Essen aus. Man stopft sich ja…
I think that’s not serious. Your garden is too small, but your balcony is bigger?
From the square, a normally large balcony would suffice. The pigs usually do not have more space for the farmers. But you have to feed the pig and drink, and, above all, get rid of the crap. All through the apartment. And the frenzied pig would then have to be brought to the slaughterer through the apartment, the stairs down. In winter it is also too cold outside. You need a stable, a heated stable. Or a lot of straw in which the pig can crawl.
in winter I don’t have to heat the clothes
Balcony doesn’t go, but the living room.
we do not
But keep the windows open
Here, read wonder how to understand… and if you want to know better and make one more cracked up here: Google says it to you, then you don’t need to perform so arrogantly here
I don’t care who the law is
Are you acting like a jerk everywhere? Find out the stuff yourself
wish you good luck, you can’t do it alone, because the fire brigade, that will be expensive, I grew up with agriculture, would rather look at a farmer where pigs have, if one can buy, maybe even a little longer can be fed, 150 kg should it have when slaughtering, then have a super meat or, respectively, Carving
but tie it with rope and then go down
You might get problems getting the grown pig down,
so I’m here if you’re here to say you’re looking for yourself then don’t make us all have to make money and if I do that with gay on balcony is my thing
There are clear guidelines for the attitude of pigs \../
You can read it yourself on the net. What the conditions of animal husbandry are…
You will not get a piglet from a farmer when no farmer is and want to raise it or have no suitable stable
You can’t say that without the exact proof
Of course you must not keep pigs on the balcony 🤦
How do you know? From experience? Please explain
Why experience?
No logical thinking.
You don’t think you were taught at school.
Then it’s time.
You know, however, there are regulations for animal husbandry
Of course, you must not re-functionalize a residential building for agricultural use
Apart from the rental contract, this would lead to a permanent termination.
I’m sorry I thought you could come up with the idea of perfect nonsense.
what has to do with logik I just want to know if this is legal that has not been taught in school
You can’t