Kann man kununu vertrauen?
Ich habe ein Bewerbung Gespräch über eine Jobvermittler bekommen. Leider sind die Bewertungen bei kununu katastrophal. Der Arbeitgeber hat einen Score von 1,7 von 10 bewertungen. Ich habe bereits eine Arbeit ist aber leider nicht so gut bezahlt wie ich es mir vorstelle.
It is necessary to read and evaluate several assessments of a company over a longer period of time and to read between the lines. Suspicious are extremely good reviews with only 5 stars and super comments, how great the company is, how good you deserve and what great training offers you have. Personnel departments often use such good fake assessments to reconcile the company’s image. Also suspicious are assessments, where everything is only Schei…e, someone wants to revenge himself on the company. But if a very special topic, e.g. bad dealing with workers, arbitrary shifts, badly running processes, refusal of holidays, racist or sexist accusations, etc. repeatedly appear in several denominations over a longer period, which should make a stubborn one. Something’s wrong! Also noticeably long and detailed justification comments and counter-representations of the personnel department of a company with the expression of regret that one was not satisfied, or, for example, in the accusation that the company only pays under-average salaries and in particular the request to contact them anonymously and trustfully are suspicious. Something’s wrong!
so la la la
Problem is:
Some people tend only to negatively and want to give your employer a chance later, or the staff decisionner.
On the other hand, you can also see massively how to follow bad reviews – a helmet who thinks bad about it.
Or employers who get 10 extreme positive reviews in a few days, but in the same period not even an average to negative rating.
For orientation it is quite good, but be skeptical and ask the reviews simply for you.
There’s a tendency to say something. As with reviews of restaurants. In case of doubt, however, always make your own picture. I wouldn’t judge it too high either. LG
I would always rely on the personal impression.
My company is also highly valued on kunu, but at least those in my department are good. Most of the time, it’s just that they’re more likely to evaluate those who have to leave somewhere or where it just went wrong.
You can make a job anyway, I’ll say.
Kununu doesn’t check if the reviewers ever had anything to do with the company.