Kann man Krank werden, wenn man zu viel Orangensaft trinkt?
Kann man z.b davon Margen-Darm bekommen?
Kann man z.b davon Margen-Darm bekommen?
Hallo, mich habe gerade so einen Hersheys Schocko Riegel geholt und der sieht sehr schimmelig aus. Oder glaubt ihr das ist normal?
Ich trinke das abzumal richtig oft und trinke manchmal am Tag 2 Dosen und manchmal 1 ist das sehr ungesund. Ich spüre manchmal Stich in der bruste
Unser Sohn (2 Jahre) hat seit heute Morgen Fieber. Im Po gemessen ist die Temperatur jetzt bei 38,8 Meine Frau will immer sofort Paracetamol Zäpfchen geben, aber Fieber ist ja eine Schutzfunktion des Körpers. Klar wenns zu hoch wird sollte man was tun, aber nicht immer sind Medikamente erforderlich. Er liegt halt den ganzen Tag…
Habt ihr irgendwelche sommerlichen Rezepte für Erfrischungsgetränke ohne Zucker, die lecker und durstlöschend sind? 😀☀️🏖️🍹
Yes, it is possible to get diseases or complaints when you drink too much orange juice, including gastrointestinal problems. Orange juice is rich in fruit acid that can irritate the gastrointestinal tract. If you drink too much orange juice, this can lead to symptoms such as heartburn, stomach pain, diarrhea or bloating. In addition, orange juice also contains a lot of fruit sugar, which can lead to digestive problems with excessive consumption. It is important to drink orange juice in dimensions and pay attention to the signals of your own body. If you already suffer from gastrointestinal problems or react sensitively to it, the consumption of orange juice should possibly be restricted. It is recommended to maintain a balanced diet and combine the consumption of orange juice with other healthy drinks and foods.
Cool! Thank you, because I don’t want to go to class, do you think it’s enough 5 bottles of oranges say on a day?
Yeah, if you drink too much of it.
In the case of fruit juices one should generally think about the sugar contained. The sugar content of pure juice is comparable to Cola. For this reason, juices should be diluted either in small amounts, almost as dessert, or strongly.
Orange juice does not taste me diluted at all, which is why I almost never drink it.
If you mix the juice with water, not more.
Much acidity and lots of sugar. Not healthy!
If he’s too mad and too cold, yes.
If you drink too much orange juice, it can cause stomach pain, heartburn and diarrhea.
If he’s bad, yes
diarrhea, heartburn, bad teeth uvm