Kann man kleiner werden oder aufhören zu wachsen?
Hi! Ich bin ein 13 jähriges Mädchen und wachsen immer und immer mehr und höre nicht auf. Bin mittlerweile schon 1, 70 groß. Wisst ihr was wie man es stoppen kann zu wachsen? Oder zumindest kleiner wirkt?
This is the course of nature, your size is genetically predetermined.
But I know what it’s all about.
At your age, I had a growth boost and suddenly belonged to the “lighthouses”. I’m sure you’re being shackled by your fellow students. That’s really nasty, but try to see that with humor. It has advantages to be big. You don’t always need a ladder, you have a much better view and the air is better.
Most of the boys grow up later, the sayings are often only envy.
Be glad you don’t have to buy clothes in the children’s department anymore and enjoy overriding the haters. At some point, the majority will probably pick you up, then you’ll be one of the little ones in your class with 1.70.
To answer this completely:
Shrinkage only goes on the natural way. In age, most people become a little smaller, but there is no exact time. Has to do with life change, diseases, predisposition and many other factors.
You’re as good as you are. Who doesn’t like it, he should see elsewhere 😉
Being 16 and 167cm tall could never change it with it. I stopped growing with 13. But you’re about to stop between 14 and 16.
Okay, thanks
So there can be the situation that one gets a little smaller again; But that only happens at the age – at some point from 60 or so! You’re normal big for your age, I’d say, and there’s another bit of what to grow up! This depends on many things, such as how big are your parents and others in your family? Are allle, including you healthy? Do you live and feed healthy? What environmental influences are you exposed and and…..! I don’t think there’s something that makes you smaller! Take it as it comes – what else is not left to you anyway!
Thanks for your info
1.70 m is not particularly large for a woman. You will grow even further and probably reach a beautiful model measure. Your size is a lot for you now because you’re still very young. There’s something you’re going to do right now. But you know, the problem is completely self-sufficient in the next two to three years, because the other girls are going to go after it. Stop! You’ll be happy with your size at some point, I promise.
In fact, one can let a doctor determine the growth still expected approximately.
And in cases where this would be extreme or perhaps even detrimental to the body, counteract hormones.
But will be well thought out. Maybe you’ll talk to your parents and take a visit to the pediatrician.
Why do you want to get smaller? The size is completely fine, you’re good as you are! Smaller one can become more less, stop growing there is certainly something (medicals or so). I just don’t see a reason.
Well, at the age, it can happen that people become a little smaller again.
Why? There are small and large people. It’s not bad
Honestly, I’d love to be so big. I am 19 years and only 1.52 m…. 🥲
Accept it, despise on hormonal food.