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4 months ago

Yeah, that’s what happens when you’ve done the training in a professionally related area. If you have passed the training with at least 2.5, you will not have the necessary two years of professional experience. A suitability test is also not necessary.

4 months ago

Some institutions allow professional graduates to be admitted after entry examination. But not directly after training. Minimum of three years of work.

4 months ago

If you want to become a lawyer or even a job as a prosecutor or a judge, you must become a full lawyer. This classical, full law study with two state exams and a lecturer is an exclusively university degree. And a general university admission is still required for admission to a university.

The classic way there is the “normal” Abitur. As an alternative, however, it would also be possible to have a further education on the technician/master/specialist, since these vocational training qualifications are also a general university entrance qualification at the same time.

Other ways also exist, but vary according to the federal state. However, the path without training and professional experience is one that is more rarely possible and if, as a rule, only if the training and experience have already taken place in an art-related area. In addition, a suitability test is often also necessary here.

4 months ago

No. For this, you need university maturity.