Kann man in Deutschland die Bank verklagen wenn durch die Bank mir finanzieller Schaden entstanden ist?
Ist es gesetzlich möglich als Privatperson die Bank zu verklagen?
Oder darf man als Privatperson gegen Bank gerichtlich nichts unternehmen?
Ob man gewinnt oder verliert oder Chancen steht nicht zur Diskussion.
Ich möchte nur wissen ob ws den Weg gibt die Bank als Privatperson zu verklagen!?
Banken sind ja große Konzerne, kann es sein dass Banken unantastbar sind deswegen? Oder Staat bzw Ruchter immer Banken in Schutz nehmen?
Yes, but there are also conciliation points that try to regulate the problem free of charge. I used this service successfully against the DKB.
How much does this cost?
I wrote: “…they are trying to solve the problem free of charge, so it doesn’t cost anything. Search for google with these search terms: name of your bank, concussion point, Ombutsmann
Sud can sue the bank, but you won’t have any success, because you have to prove financial damage. If you’ve invested in shares, there’s a possibly. Do not lose the responsibility of the bank, because you speculate yourself.
When it goes well, you knock on the shoulders – cleverly laid. But if it goes wrong, you were wrongly advised and the bank owed. You don’t get through this, because everyone will be over. Risks clarified and also signifies for it.
The judge will not protect the bank, he is independent. But he will demand evidence – if the lawsuit is accepted at all.
Of course you can complain to banks. You can even complain against the Federal Republic of Germany.
Then you’re probably getting out of town, right?
Clear, and deported. As soon as Elon Musk can take you to Mars.
You can all and all sue. The question is whether a court takes this action.
Of course you can, but it should be the last step. For example, there is the possibility of a conciliation procedure via the “ombudsman” of the respective group of banks.
https://www.konsumerzentrale.de/wissen/geld-versicherungen/spar-und-anlegen/im- Streitfall-der-ombudsmann-als-mittelweg-between-kapitulation-und-klage-11211
simple procedure? What’s that? Never heard of that before?
See the two links above, here a third link on the topic:
Arrange a dispute over financial ombudsmen
In principle, you can sue a bank, but since you do not make any information about the alleged damage, you cannot say anything about it.
You can sue the bank, but you won’t win it. How did you suffer a financial damage for which the bank can do something?
If I have hand-resistant evidence and everything is clear in the end?
What evidence? Can you explain this or just say that?
Tell me what your evidence looks like?!!!
Yes, you can, but it’s not enough to blame the bank, but you have to prove it to be successful. For example, many overlook the small print and think that the title of a contract is enough to know everything about the content.
Of course, you can also sue a bank just like any other business partner if they have worked badly and have hurt you with it.
How do you look at your evidence? Tell me.