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Wird die HPV Impfung von Barmer übernommen?
Ich hab schon 2 HPV Impfungen in meinem Heimatland geimpft. Und ich bin noch unter 27 Jahr Alt. Ich weiß nicht genau, ob die HPV Impfung von Barmer übernommen wird ????? Danke
It doesn’t matter, but I would still wait at least 24 hours after vaccination.
Why cough distiller? This doesn’t cure, but it’s stressing the immune system.
There are a lot of other means.
For risks and side effects ask your doctor or pharmacist.
Seriously, there are vaccinations against thousands of things – do you really think that here someone can memorize all the side effects of all vaccinations and answer the question?
Possibly, this is the kind of vaccination.
I don’t understand why not
Yeah, sure.