Kann man Hühnersuppe auch mit einzelnen Teilen kochen ohne das ganze Suppenhuhn?
Für so ein Suppenhuhn braucht man so einen großen Topf, bin mir nicht sicher ob mein großer Topf groß genug ist.
ausserdem muss man die ja vorher erstmal auftauen und so.
kann ich stattdessen einfach Hühnerkeulen kochen? oder welche Teile würden sich empfehlen?
Many cook only with chicken lobes, that’s no problem at all.
And in the end you have a pretty portion of meat.
The soup hen has historically emerged from the second use, which were the chickens that no longer lay eggs. And of course you should also split this chicken, then it fits into every pot.
great thanks
Hello you don’t have to chew up, in the boiling water it goes jerk, have already frozen steak put in the hot pan
Hello Fcb4livE,
If you just want to make soup, I recommend you chickens, the soup becomes much better and more powerful than just legs or breasts!
Is there frozen in the supermarket and discounder, sometimes also fresh in the cooler!
You can do it.
Maybe with chicken lobes, chicken breast or chicken carvings.