Kann man HHC von THC unterscheiden?
man hört ja neuerdings immer von Diesem „HHC“. Kann man das irgendwie vom Richtigen THC gras unterscheiden? Durch einen Test, Geruch, geschmack oder Wirkung?
man hört ja neuerdings immer von Diesem „HHC“. Kann man das irgendwie vom Richtigen THC gras unterscheiden? Durch einen Test, Geruch, geschmack oder Wirkung?
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You can. HHC is chemistry red and looks quite different.
Hard to describe, it feels more like a fever on HHC than that you are really relaxed.
In addition, HHC makes good headaches.
Can you distinguish it in appearance?
That the flowers look often so that it is very brown (almost already leaves) like CBD weed, which was then sprayed with hhc and thus looks lightly wet or shiny.
With a pocket microscope you can see better
then read again, you missed a lot of arguments
With synthetic production and that it is garbage? Respect.
I gave the argument
Of course, but nh argumentative justification looks different. But then please remain neutral
I just, because you think that’s okay, it doesn’t mean I can’t see it differently
instead of saying that HHC garbage is just why.
I didn’t, that was my opinion I said here.
And nothing will change, HHC is garbage.
Write a lot for nothing. Sry, you have no idea.
1. Not everything that is made chemically is automatically, more harmful”.
Two. How can you say it’s garbage if you don’t have any experience or don’t know anything about long-term consequences, etc? (long-term risks anyway unknown)
3. Yes, the HHC Hype is only there because our incompetent policy has to do with it to ride us into war and therefore cannabis is rather neglected.
Not everything that others find bad or good.
Chemie kacke is because it is just artificially produced and has nothing to do with the actual plant because there is no THC in the amount.
HHC is not extracted, it is made artificial, otherwise not profitable.
It is only made to offer a legal alternative to THC, at the expense of the plant itself and at the expense of health.
HHC Weed is chemical garbage.
Just because you obviously find consumers and or good makes it not too good.
It remains chemistry sucking
Arguments, I want arguments! Why chemistry sack?! It is simply an extraction method, just as THC-containing Wax (BHO) is extracted with butane. The Cannabinoid HHC is a normal smell like THC, CBD, CBN or CBG also.
First to deal with before you get something negative.
yes it is there that purest chemistry is crap and has more to do with real grass nix.
It’ll be time to lay down so you don’t have to deal with such a shit anymore.
The HHC Weed is available only because of the ban on correct grass
And what’s so bad? As long as no heavy metals are contained by the process, what is there to be objected to HHC?
no, hhc buds are simply minor CBS buds the cheeks were treated with hhc
You haven’t had any HHC Buds in your hand yet, have you? There are simply places that are sometimes brighter and sometimes darker, deep brown to black. At the places is more hhc than at the other
Thanks for the quick answer 👍🏼