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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

HHC-Liquid cannot be smoked in a bong. If they are CBD bags provided with HHC, this would be possible.

Otherwise, the effect becomes stronger if you take more. However, the side effects can also become stronger. The risks are also increasing. There is nothing to know about the long-term risks, which is why consumption alone has to be discouraged. Whoever takes it is available as a test rabbit. I would also like to recommend the following linked episode of the psychoactive podcast. Here, the toxicologe Dr. Steinmetz comes to word and see how dangerous this substance is.

→ Hexyhadrocannabinol (HHC) with Dr. Fabian Pitter Steinmetz,

General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with the use of cannabis can be found here:

1 year ago

This is a synthetic material. A designer drug. The effect and effects on the human body are not investigated. I strongly advise you about such stupidity.

1 year ago

HHC can’t be strengthened, but your personal knowledge about HHC can be expanded: