Kann man Großkatzen domestizieren?
Ich habe gelesen, dass bei der Großkatzenhaltung die Gefahr einer Domestizierung (Haustierewerdung) besteht, was man zb in Zoos vermeiden will, weil Wildtiere wild bleiben sollen. Aber könnte man Großkatzen tatsächlich domestizieren, wie man es mit Wölfen (=Haushund), Wildkaninchen (=Hauskaninchen) usw gemacht hat?
No, not really. You can tame them so far that they can accept one and deal with them. However, this means that you always and at any time need to know exactly what you do and not allow yourself to be mistaken.
See Siegfried and Roy. They’ve worked their whole life with the tigers and made a mistake once.
You can already see that at homecats. Show me the person who owns a house cat and has never been attacked, bitten or scratched by the cat. – This is only acceptable to us because they are so small that generally not much happens.
Big cats in the zoo or in the circus are not domed. One can speak in a certain way of at least partial taming with the dressed circus lions and middlemen.
Zoots have learned that there is no danger from the zoo visitors and that the animal nurses also want to do nothing evil. Therefore, antelopes in the zoo are also quite relaxed on their pasture and do not flee panic when they see a zoo visitor. But they are not dominated. They are and they remain wild animals. Of course, this also applies to large cats. When an animal nurse enters the enclosure of a tiger or a lion, such an animal reacts like an artisan in the wild. It tries to defend his territory and in such a situation, man usually draws the shorts. There have been many deaths in the past. Fortunately, they are very rare today, not least thanks to high safety standards. But despite all the safety measures, accidents are always possible and they clearly show that lions and tigers are also real wild animals in the zoo, which are not evil, but nevertheless dangerous.
You could, in principle, dominate every animal. However, this would require a breeding, which lasts over many generations, in precisely this direction, by always selecting the most trusting, tasty individuals and further breeding them. That’s exactly what you don’t want to do in zoos. The zoo is also cultivated with a plan, but with the aim that the genetic diversity of a species is not concentrated, but that it is preserved in the long term.
Jein, big cats always stay dangerous, as the house cat remains a large part wild, the house cat is just too small to hurt us really strong, but do we put in front of the house cat would have 20kg more on the ribs? Almost every house cat has raised her paws at least once.
Of course, you can, the difference is just that if a big cat gets you in the game caught with the claws, that is a completely different house number than with a small house cat.
Siegfried and Roy are the best example. The tiger who attacked Roy even wanted to help him and almost killed him.
Siegfried and Roy.
Google time.