Kann man gelöschte Dateien auf SSD wiederherstellen, obwohl die Löschung vor einer Woche war?
Trim Command wird funktionieren.
Wenn Daten auf einer SSD gelöscht werden, bleiben oft Reste dieser Daten im Speicher zurück. Dies liegt daran, dass SSDs anders als herkömmliche Festplatten keine Dateien physisch löschen, sondern die Daten als “gelöscht” markieren und den Speicherplatz als verfügbar kennzeichnen. Wenn neue Daten geschrieben werden, kann es zu einer Verzögerung kommen, während die SSD den Speicherplatz vorbereitet und die alten Daten überschreibt. Hier kommt Trim ins Spiel. Trim ist ein Befehl, der vom Betriebssystem an die SSD gesendet wird. Wenn das Betriebssystem Trim unterstützt und aktiviert ist, informiert es die SSD über die gelöschten Dateien und Sektoren. Die SSD kann dann den Speicherplatz, der als “gelöscht” markiert wurde, intern bereinigen und für neue Daten vorbereiten. Dies ermöglicht eine schnellere Schreibgeschwindigkeit, da die SSD den Speicherplatz nicht mehr vor dem Schreiben von Daten löschen muss.
Da deine Rechner bereits einkassiert wurden, kannst du da nichts mehr löschen. Die wurden nicht ohne Grund als Beweismittel sichergestellt und ausgewertet. Wäre nichts drauf, hättest du sie schon wieder
Man kriegt die nur wenn die Staatanwaltschaft das Verfahren einstellt.
And you’re all about finding something.
Du hast Dir die Textwand angetan? Wow!
Anyway: Wenn Die Behörden und ihre Forsensiker dran sind, dann ist alles offen – “anything goes”, wie der Ami sagt. 🤷♂️
Soll ich jetzt noch die Liternei abhalten, warum man den Inhalt von SSDs zwingend verschlüsseln sollte? Ach ist eh zu spät….
Better not.
He’s got so much on the keb wood, that’s all right when they get him now. 😁
This guy’s already got about 2300 profiles. Actually, he’s been expelled long ago, but he doesn’t come after that. He rather bombards all possible associations like the student network, universities and authorities with his mails.
They have to retrieve my information collected for years. It can take time. 😈
Das kann Dir niemand ohne eine Analyse des Gerätes sagen können.
Was schon mal suboptimal wäre auszuführen, wenn man noch Daten retten möchte. 🤷♂️
Den unleserlichen Textblock tue ich mir nicht an.
Willst Du gelesen werden, dann gestalte die Form des Textes so, dass man ihn auch lesen will.
However, the TRIM function can also cause deleted files to no longer be recovered. When the TRIM function is activated and applied to the respective storage areas, the data is physically deleted from the SSD and can no longer be recovered. This is done to create space for new data and to optimize SSD performance.
Das klappt nicht mal mehr nach einer Minute wenn du Pech hast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wum2Nb8CL8
Lade dir die DEMO-Version von https://r-Studio.com herunter und schau ob du noch brauchbare Daten finden kannst!
Forensics too don’t do that?
Are these data stored on the PC? that I was connected to a website. I don’t mean browsing history. I mean as a network IpAddresses
So a Windows system has over 100 artefacts that you can evaluate. These range from log entries via preview images and temp. Files to things like SCRUM, Pfefetch files and jumplists.
There are certainly some remnants to prove that something has been done.
Linux and Mac OSX systems also have such artifacts!
As a forensic, I don’t always need the actual data – mostly you can clearly show everything on the basis of the traces. The deletion of evidence is then also a clear indication that deliberately tried to destroy traces and that makes it clear that one was aware of one’s own fault.
If the judges are then also correspondingly negatively designed.
The police seized all his devices.
And I very much hope that they will be able to restore the data. Even though he’s been asking hard about how he can delete all the evidence. 😈
Achso – for unskilled without knowledge about IT-Forensics, only the suggested hammer actually helps. If everything is broken into small pieces, you can find something hard.
Otherwise we usually find traces on the devices. The question is more whether the prosecutor wants to do the effort and whether he can justify the costs/will.
I’m one of the people who filed a complaint against him. And I am in a lively exchange with some of the others.
Wie kommst du drauf?
Your information is always very bright when I read it.
The latte of crimes is long and ranges from fraud, misunderstanding, oppression, insult to obviously soon to slander.
illegal stay in Germany (as he has already been asked to leave) is also added.
Can you recover deleted files to SSD even though deletion was a week ago?
-> No
Too many sectors have been overwritten that would have allowed the data to be restored.
What the hell are backup programs like ACRONIS?
Everyone is self-sustained for his data to get them back and also to score. Who doesn’t do that, I don’t have an understanding for him.
When data is deleted on an SSD, remnants of this data often remain in memory. This is because, unlike conventional hard drives, SSDs do not physically delete files, but rather mark the data as “delete” and identify the storage space as available.
This will make Windows with the Format command. as soon as new datan are requested (e.g.: reinstall) the marked memory cells are overwritten and the data are lost to no longer see.
As far as Trim is concerned, you’re totally informed.
Trim communicates with the SSD controller and checks every cell that can be addressed on its function. Does nothing to do with data recovery or the like. In the firmware of the SSD, the corresponding cells are in their specifications. Trim now checks which memory cell is still within the scope of the specifications and reports it back to the controller. It enters the data into its firmware. When reinstalling or writing data, corresponding cells are first used to obtain as long as possible a long-lasting structure.The controller can only exist if the data of the memory cells are present in the firmware via trim. The cells that are at the end of life or defect (depending on) are marked accordingly and the controller then knows that it must no longer use these cells. The quantity is different and different from SSD model to model. In section, it is 5% of the total capacity that the controller can manage from the pool to replace defects. If the capacity is eventually exhausted, read/write errors are specified which can lead to the extent that it is no longer possible to read or write data on the SSD.
The higher write/read speed of an SSD compared to conventional plates is that one SSD has no mechanical moving parts. Access is thus made faster by electronic means. Since no mechanical parts can handle the behinds.
How can the police and forensics do that?
Intelligence and qualification, that is exactly the combination you are so obsessed with.
They’re gonna do it. 3:)
The first two bags fit, but wherever you get the rest, you’ve been confused. What you write at Trim happens when formatting or recording / badblocks is complete, but has nothing to do with Trim.
The operating system deletes files in principle so that it only marks them as “deleted” or deletes the entry in the descriptor table / FAT / directory / MFT / etc. The data remains (even with rotating plates). The plate / SSD has no idea whether a block is free or occupied that only the file system driver knows from the operating system. If a block has never been written, it’s just garbage in it, but it doesn’t know the record.
For SSDs, however, this is stupid, since the controller of the SSD wants to distribute the write accesses evenly to all cells and if necessary. To include reserve cells to increase the service life, because cells cannot be written as often as desired. Therefore, newer operating systems share the SSD, which blocks are deleted by using the trim or Mark Deallocate at NVMe as deleted. If the operating system then re-described the same logical block, the controller can map it to another physical block. In reality, this is even more complicated because often only block groups can be mapped, but no matter. Depending on SSD, it can be that when reading a deleted block, either the old content, always the same data waste or always different data waste is returned.
Nevertheless, such data can often be restored after some time (consuming) by dismantling the SSD itself and directly reading out the flash without the controller, especially if the SSD is not full. Whether it’s a law enforcement agency, it’s going to arrive at the severity of the act, it’s definitely expensive.
A format under Windows also does not delete data, but only rewrites the administrative structures so that the data is no longer visible. A complete format additionally checks all blocks but without deleting them. This can also be restored with test disk or similar. badblocks (Linux) can be used by option to overwrite it. But with an SSD it does not help 100% because of internal remapping. To safely delete SSDs, some SSDs have an extra SECURE ERASE command.
Du willst hier wirklich einem Straftäter Tipps geben, wie er künftig seine Taten verschleiern kann?
No, this has nothing to do with it. With an HDD, erased data remains and can be saved until overwriting with new data. Depending on the use of the HDD, it can only take hours or even months.
You can’t say that. In SSDs, TRIM immediately emptys unused storage areas so that the cells are prepared for writing again.
No! See my answer and the linked video.
This makes the file system – regardless of HDD, SSD, USB stick or otherwise a disk.
No! Windows triggers TRIM to tell the SSD that it can delete certain memory cells. However, there are also some TRIM routines internally in the firmware to trim areas that have been mapped out due to Wearleveling.
This is also called the Garbage Collection.
This is a side effect but not the main reason. SSDs cannot overwrite data. An SSD can also not delete individual cells or sectors. SSDs can write single pages but only delete whole blocks.
This is due to the design of the memory chips and the deletion is a completely different process than the writing. Therefore, SSDs TRIM need to perform erasing operations in the background so that storage cells are prepared for reuse.
If a memory cell is no longer clear, it will be marked as defective but this is only the side effect. TRIM is about the fact that an SSD would otherwise have to perform so many actions during overwriting that you would be much slower. TRIM thus keeps the SSD clean and no longer empty used storage areas to allow rewriting at the same speed as before.
No – write processes use the memory cells. Therefore, it is attempted to use the cells as uniformly as possible. Therefore, SSDs often have the 2 – 4 times storage quantity installed to have enough reserve storage for a long service life!
At the HDD. The SSD is much more. I just made a chip-off at a 64GB stick that had installed 129GB memory.
Great post, very detailed!
Oh, you know,
in the case no problem. ;
Secure Erase ist kein Tipp, das löscht die gesamte SSD und ist daher ziemlich unpraktisch, weil man den Rechner danach neu aufsetzen muss. Und wie man Daten sicher löschen kann, findet man sicher auch noch anderer Stelle im Internet, sogar hier.
Nebenbei: Jemanden öffentlich als Straftäter zu bezeichnen, bevor er verurteilt wurde, ist auch eine Straftat.