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I find a thousand times better soap. Liquid soap dries out the skin.
I’m buying good handmade soap. For example, 4 euros. And it keeps much longer than liquid soap.
Soap is usually basic, the naturally skin protection function is acidic.
So every soap interferes with the natural skin protection function and also washes the natural fat film from the skin. Accordingly, the skin is dried and the microbiom as well as the acidic milieu deteriorates above.
So too frequent washing with soap is so or so harmful
In principle, it does not matter whether the soap is solid or liquid. It’s just a state. The respective ingredients and, for example, also the PH value are much more important.
Is there any means you can use alternatively?
you can alternatively use a washing lotion
You can try. I only wash the face with warm water, several times with the lapping over it, if I don’t, I get skin irritations.
does that also work if you have done a job where you get very dirty even in the face? I think no…
not everyone has office job
If you have no allergies/incompatibility, you can take it without considering
Shit, it’s soap.
You can take the…
What are you taking?
I’m just asking ’cause I’ve read that it’s not getting better than solid soap….
that certainly came from a manufacturer of firm seismic 🙂
also liquid soap