Kann man Farben fühlen?
Wenn ich jemanden die Hand gebe und hat nur eine Farbe an, z.B. schwarze Haare, schwarze Mütze, schwarzer Pullover, schwarze Hose, schwarze Strümpfe und schwarze Schuhe, fühlt die betreffende Person sich stachelig an, so wie spitze Dreiecke.
- Bei blau wäre das Hautgefühl wie Wellen.
- bei zartlila ist es ein zartes Hautgefühl
- bei Orange wäre es wie die Schale einer Orange.
- braun wäre wie Leder
Bei mir ist es so, habe auch Autismus/Asperger.
Egal welches Material betreffende Personen an haben, ergibt sich das Material durch verschiedene Farben.
Würden andere Farbtöne und Farbkombinationen beim Gefühl auch ein anderes Material ergeben?
Wie sieht es bei allen anderen Farben und Farbkombinationen aus?
Hat wer ebenfalls solche Erfahrungen?
Also think that’s like many, rather that a color as well as a car, or otherwise what you like, can ‘delete’ a sense of joy. This does not make you feel the color, but you like it.
Probably has something to do with personal senses, which can then also trigger other things like emotions (or feelings).
You can’t feel colors.
At least I find the matching pencil under several not in the dark when all have the same structure and the same shape and only the color differs.
I’d have to turn on the light to judge it. See it.
Then I can like a drawing with a lot of green better than a one with a lot of red. And that’s a matter of taste.
So I say no.
What you’re writing Synaesthesia. This is unknown to most people and they react with misunderstanding because they can’t feel that way. The sense perception – for example color – is something different than the light of these wavelengths. It’s what’s triggered in the brain. In most people there is a strict coupling to a sense organ. Light of a specific wavelength (e.g. “red light” triggers the perception “red” in the brain. Other sense organs cannot trigger this perception.
In people with synesthesia there is a coupling. When interpreting a sense impression, the same area is addressed as otherwise by a certain stimulus of a different sense impression. Thus, for example, certain tones in appropriate people trigger a color finding. For example, the high C sounds yellow, the A rather green etc.
You have a coupling between color and touch. Something unavoidable as it describes, but there are many types of synesthesia. That’s very special, but you’re not gonna find anyone who knows it. I would search for information from an expert in this area.
The Savant Syndrome seems strong with Synaesthesia to be related. There are about 50% autism.
You are therefore certainly different from most, but certainly not alone. I advise you – perhaps knowing about an expert of contacts or can establish – to meet with others who are like you. This is good for your own self-understanding and self-confidence when you realize that there is someone who understands you. And you only realize that this was not the case with others before. At least that was the case with my own gift. Then one realizes that one is just special, but there are also others that are just as – in one area at least more than all the others you have known so far – as you yourself.
No, you can’t feel colors.
However, there is the possibility that different sensory impressions are combined with one another in such a way that one has the feeling that something would feel different with different colors. But this is much more a misinterpretation of our brain than actually an ability.
yes, you can feel colors…. but only over the sense organ eye… all other sense organs do not have the property to capture waves in the visible spectrum.
Probably you mean Sensitivity. This way you can feel colors, yes. Synesthesia has already been mentioned. It’s possible. Comes in my eyes more like a gift. Try to put the feeling into words, for example in a poem. In art it is more advantageous to have an extraordinary perception. Normal is relative anyway. Who’s pretending “normal”? I appreciate the majority. It doesn’t mean healthy or sick, right or wrong, just norm. So a target, no I. As long as nobody hurts, it doesn’t matter how you feel or how you bind the shoes, whatever.
Every time I read a question about you, I’d like to know what this is all about autism.
Feeling colors or smelling from me is not part of an autism spectrum disorder.
I see colors. Either they like me or not.
When I touch something red, the feeling only changes when the blue is made of another material.
If the same person has instead of something black, something blue and also gives the hand, the skin of the person concerned feels different to me, as if the person was completely black.
Again for you: What does this have to do with autism?
And don’t come back with me again, “if the person wears something red, her skin feels like that and different in blue.”
Some blind people say they could at least understand.
Normal human beings, or, better, neurotypical people, usually cannot.
And a possible symptom of Asperger Syndrome is that the data subject is linked to sensory impressions with others.
You can NOT feel colors, even you can’t.
You may think that you could, in fact you only have this impression because you see the color at the same time. Can make the test with connected eyes, so don’t know what color the objects you touch.
This isn’t the case with objects, it’s just skin contact when I give someone the hand.
Objects only feel different from material.
It is definitely impossible to feel colors.
If you have connected eyes, you can’t determine which color it is. Forget it, the skin has no optical perceptibility.
Then tell me how yellow feels.
If you are completely dressed in delicately and give your hand, you feel delicately.
You feel orange for me.
blue, blue.
and if you have several colors, for example, yellow would have the highest proportion, the color is also mostly yellow in skin feeling.
There is at least one term for what you describe, synesthesia! Here you can find out:
Yes, there is. It’s easy to research.
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syn%C3%A4sthesie#:~:text=Involved in 20%C3%BChlssyn%C3%A4sthesia%20Emotions%20Involved,caused%20Determined%20Emotions.