Kann man essen von McDonalds oder anderen Fastfood ketten mit ins Flugzeug mitnehmen um es dann im Flugzeug zu essen?

Ich fliege nächste Woche mit Wizzair nach Amsterdam und wollte nachfragen ob ich essen mitnehmen kann um es dann im Flugzeug zu essen.

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4 years ago

Of course you can’t.

You have to go through the security check, that’s not possible.

If the McDonald’s closec to the Security Check is already.


4 years ago

The burger is fed into the flyer, but the filled Cola cup is not.

However, the burger will be an hour old and ice-cold during boarding and thus taste disgusting….!

Sympathy points are also not available to fellow travelers if they are loaded with stinky cold frying odour.

To do all a favor: eat the warm burger and then go through the security check.

4 years ago

Everything that is not liquid can be taken along.


4 years ago

Solid foods such as bread, biscuits and similar solid products may be taken on flights without consideration. …

In liquid foods, as in other liquids, up to 100 ml are allowed in each case and must therefore be transported in a transparent bag.

Look here:


P.S. I – as your seat neighbour, it would not be like this 😉

4 years ago
Reply to  Ranu182002

Oh, okay.

4 years ago

If the Mcs is after security check, then yes

4 years ago

No. That’s not allowed.

4 years ago
Reply to  MaryLynn87

That’s not true.

4 years ago


4 years ago

That’s not true. You can take food on board.

4 years ago
Reply to  eventhelfer

But nix what others harassed and macces is odor nuisance

4 years ago


No…it must eat before…

Best regards Rodium

4 years ago

If you get it through the security check, you can also take it in the plane. Beverages aren’t.

4 years ago

That’s bullshit, it’s freezing until you start. Moreover, much is not possible because it counts among liquids/gels, e.g. milkshake.

Take something from the supermarket! (Müsliriegel, cheese bread, bifi, whatever).

Also note the customs regulations. In most countries you must not introduce animal food, in some also no vegetable. It is best if everything is gone after landing, then there is no problem.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ranu182002

That should not be a problem. You should pack the sauces in a plastic bag (max 1 liter volume)

4 years ago


4 years ago

This isn’t judged by smell at safety control. However, the boarding staff can intervene if one considers that it interferes with travellers.

4 years ago

Liquids, including pastes, are problematical in safety control. They must be packaged separately and must be carried along only to a limited extent.

Sure, the bags with ketchup, Mayo and mustard, as well as the sauces of the nuggets, you get through the security check when you pack them together in a transparent, re-closable 1l bag. One Such bags with liquids or the like may be carried along in the hand luggage.

Depending on the controller it becomes difficult with the sauce on the burger. It is also a liquid and must be watertight and carried in your transparent bag. Perhaps you accept that you pack the burger into the bag (he is full!). You’ll probably be told either burgers without sauce, or no burgers. Maybe the inspector does not do his job right and let the burger go through with sauce.

You should also count on the Pommes Piekser not coming through security control.

You should also store your McD bag in another hand bag after security check. Cheap airlines check when boarding whether someone has a part too much (and whether it is too big) to charge the extra baggage to the passenger. The bag with the lining can be evaluated as a separate hand luggage. You should also make sure that it is either stowed under the seat at the start, or you can put it in the luggage compartments over the seats.

4 years ago


4 years ago
Reply to  larissa637


4 years ago
Reply to  Hardware02


4 years ago
Reply to  larissa637

Wrong. Food is not prohibited in the hand luggage per se. https://www.urlaubsguru.de/reisemagazin/essen-airerlauben/

4 years ago
Reply to  eventhelfer


4 years ago

It won’t be allowed. You could smuggle bombs or threaten the pilot with the Pommes fork. They won’t be able to create the garbage mine.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ranu182002

They stand at the counter as well as the straws and napkins, wooden forks.

4 years ago
Reply to  Realisti

This is security control. The bag would be controlled like any luggage.

4 years ago
Reply to  Realisti

You shouldn’t take a hand baggage in general. A McD bag is also controlled by the security personnel and optionally sorted out.