Can you do a student job alongside receiving student loans?

Hello, can I also do a student job or will it be deducted from my student loan? I can only seem to find student jobs and almost no mini-jobs.


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1 month ago

The annual allowance (in the period of authorisation) is 6672 = 12 * on average 556 euros per month. All you earn ( net) will be counted on your bafögförderung.

1 month ago


it is possible as a student and BaföG recipient as a working student to earn additional money!

However, in this case it is advisable to enquire at the competent BaföG office about the amount of the maximum permissible amount in order to put the course at the targeted company in time and to avoid BaföG awards as much as possible!

Good luck and good luck!


1 month ago
Reply to  Natascha668

Simply put, a works steudi has to earn more than 556€, otherwise it would not be a works steward.

1 month ago

Can earn in the month up to the level of the minijob limit, or in the authorisation period of usually 12 months 12 times as much without which it has effects on the level of the bafög – claim.