Kann man einen Schwangerschaftstest machen, wenn man 6 Tage überfällig ist?
Gibt es da eine bestimme ,,Zeit“ bzw. eine ,,Regel“?
Gibt es da eine bestimme ,,Zeit“ bzw. eine ,,Regel“?
was passiert wenn man das 2 wochen macht
Ich nehme seit letztem Jahr die Rosalina 20 Antibabypille und habe normalerweise am 3.-4. Tag der Pillenpause meine Blutung. Bei der letzten Pillenpause kam deutlich weniger Blutung, und jetzt wo ich die Pille weiter genommen habe (bin heute erst bei der 2. Pille nach der Pillenpause) habe ich gemerkt dass ich wieder leichte Blutung habe….
Hi, I had a D&C yesterday and now I have to abstain from sex for 4 weeks and I'm not allowed to insert anything. Everything is still fine and I don't have any sexual desire yet, but in 1.5 weeks my boyfriend is coming and do you think it's allowed to satisfy myself clitorally?
Ever since I started my period, which is, since I was about 11, I've been really depressed before and during it. I have to say that I was self-harming even before I started, but never really "heavily" or "a lot," and I never wanted to act on suicidal thoughts. A few days before I had…
I was just at a birthday party, and before I left the house, I forgot to flush (I was on my period). My brother called me and said there was blood in the toilet, and I said I was scratching myself. I'm scared to go home now!
Hallo bin 4 Tage vor Periode und hab andauern Übelkeit und komische Geschmäcke sowie häufig auf Toilette und ab und zu zicken im unterleib, Schwindel. Das passt alles zur meiner ersten Schwangerschaft aber dort hab ich bereits 4 Tage früher getestet positiv. Der Test unten hab ich heute morgen gemacht sieht für mich leicht positiv…
As a rule of thumb (even in irregular cycle) one always says: a normal pregnancy test (25-50s) is meaningful 19 days after the presumed fertilization day. However, you can also make ES+16 during a regular cycle.
An early test (10s) can be made according to the manufacturer before the period is absent, but it is safer to make it only after the period remains
Look here:
In your case, an early pregnancy test would definitely deliver a safe result. If you want to trust yourself and save money, you can also make a normal test. I recommend PreSens or Clearblue but also other tests can be good.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
Thank you very much! I made a test now and it is negative :).
Then you can be sure you’re not pregnant 👍
yes, after 6 days overdue, a correctly performed early pregnancy test should be quite meaningful.
Good luck!
Thank you.
If you are overdue for 6 days, the test is definitely meaningful.
Early 19 days after GV lg
From the due date, you can overdo the entire pregnancy.