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4 years ago

Of course. Just as you can tame a house cat. Everyone has a cat, but probably knows that cats, so sweet and playful they may be, occasionally have their rasters. You get a scratch. That would be the same for Tigers.

4 years ago


I don’t think you can tame an animal that’s used to living freely.

You can be friends with this one, but don’t know that it has to listen to you, don’t let anything happen to you.

You should be able to hear the probability that something happens to you and you can improve the relationship with the animal so that it listens to you, risk is always there.

~Mediashoper | Max

4 years ago

No, not really. They can be used to humans and addressed to a certain degree, but often such cats are even more dangerous than wild because they have no bareness in humans. Although the lion whisperer kevin Richardson can go to the lions he himself has raised into the cradle, they say that they attack strangers faster than wild and also do wild cats without warning. These lions are even more dangerous than wild Even in zoos, caregivers would be attacked if they don’t observe the safety that happened more often.

4 years ago


4 years ago

Yes, as you saw at Sigfried and Roy.

4 years ago
Reply to  skyberlin

If the name no longer knew, I wanted to take as an example ^^