kann man eine vespa mit einer autobatterie + überbrückungskabel starten?
die batterie von meiem roller (vespa gts super 125) ist leer da ich vergessen habe sie abzuschalten. kann ich mit einem überbrückungskabel diese wieder starten? passt das kabel oder braucht man evtl ein spezielles roller kabel? ein paar erfahrungsberichte wären super
depends on: if the scooter has a 12 volt battery, you can do such a start-up action.
However, if the scooter has only a 6-volt system, then not. In this case you need a 6-volt battery or a charger, which can also supply 6 volts. A common car battery has 12 volts.
If the volts match and the bridging is theoretically nix, you still have to look at the connections – depending on the cable tongs of the bridging cable there may be problems. Then you can improvise something with thicker cables (but then you can also keep an eye on a temporary base and not run unattended). In the event of a doubt, the scooter battery is built – then you should get so well to the contacts that adventurous auxiliary constructions are not necessary.
All newer Vespa models have a 12-volt battery.
Of course.. The today’s scooters have all 12 V batteries…
However, it was probably enough to keep the starting aid cable only short of the battery and thus preload it.
The battery should also have 12V, so in principle yes.
I guess the Vespa has a 6 volt battery. Cars have 12 volts. So that’s not the case. If you’re on foot, “Slid” (and uncoupling) should help.
I don’t know a Vespa with 6 V. Rather, she didn’t have a battery…
And a self-winder is pushing hard…
Now I have to laugh” Where did you get your guess that the Vespa is “automatic”?
To the battery: I wrote: “Presumption”. It comes from my memory. The questioner only has to look after himself. If she has 6 volts, I saved him a broken battery; if she has 12 volts, he sees it and it works.
It was mine. GF is not a forum for discussion.