Kann man eine schwarze Fliege zu einem dunkelblauen Anzug tragen?

Ich habe bald ein Bewerbungsgespräch bei einer Bank und besitze einen blauen Anzug. Geht da eine schwarze Fliege dazu oder ist das eine “Modesünde”

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1 month ago

1) Yes, is a fashion sin, black bandages only belong to a funeral. Whether tie or fly. Black and blue do not really fit together (although not at all if very dark blue is what I guess)

2) I like flying, but in an interview they didn’t lose anything. They are not regarded as reputable today, you will not be perceived as someone who is serious about the appointment.

Just buy a tie, they’re not expensive. Do not have to be high quality, only to the suit should it keep fit – just not to shrill. Is then also the only one you need to buy for a long time, the things actually hold forever if they have a simple design (striped or monochrome, for example), and are not broken. Invest the 20€.

1 month ago

I think I’d be a black fly overdressed. A bank would probably have a tie in a matching color.

1 month ago


I would prefer a color matching tie

A fly is inappropriate for an interview

LG Angel

1 month ago

No, you’re wearing a black fly to the tuxedo and that’s not a business suit.

Ideal is a discreetly patterned tie.

1 month ago

Leave the fly away and take a fashionable tie, because you’re going to an interview with a bank and not the opera ball.

Of course, there is full clothing there, but no gala dress.

1 month ago

The darker the blue of the suit, the worse a black fly fits.

1 month ago

I would not recommend it for a job interview, perhaps it would be a question for a festive occasion.

1 month ago

I wouldn’t recommend it. You would be better advised with a subtle tie.

1 month ago

Fashion of death.

1 month ago

Go, but a fly is rather unusual and if you ask here, your posture will also express that you will be unsafe and that is less good in such a conversation. If you want to be brave and can also stand for it: