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If the CD was not sealed, it could be a theft. Then it would be worth a try.
(But usually open CD cases are checked at checkout whether they are in.)
It’s called theft protection. You take the (empty) case in the store, pay the case at the cashier and receive the CD/DVD/Blu-ray at the info counter against the presentation of the cashier.
So you go to the info with your cash bonus and just pick up the contents of the case.
Are you sure there’s a download code in it?
If you can prove that there was no CD in there, then yes, otherwise no.
Therefore, you should check in the shop whether a CD or the correct one is in it.
how to make it when there is a protective film over there
If you have already paid the CD, you can do it in the shop.
but he only noticed it when he was back home
But he does not have a claim for a new CD.
It won’t be a business
if you still have the cash deposit
If you don’t believe the shell was empty