Kann man ein neuen Lehrer bekommen?
Wir haben in Mathe ein sehr schlechten Lehrer, der kein Mathe kann und alle Schüler sind unzufrieden mit ihm. Meine Frage ist, ob es möglich wäre einen neuen Lehrer im nächsten Halbjahr zu bekommen, auch wenn er eigentlich den Kurs das ganze Jahr übernehmen sollte. Denkt ihr man könnte als ganzer Kurs Beschwerde geben..? Wir sind am verzweifeln
You can try.
But the prospects for success are not very big.
The school management can’t conjure a new math teacher from the hat.
And your current math teacher must continue to give math lessons – this is his job for which he is paid.
We had another math teacher the first few weeks that replaced him for that time and I’m sure he could get back in. But the second point is unfortunately true.
Yes, I would try
I don’t think that you can do as long as he doesn’t get handy or the like, we also have a teacher hated by the whole school, but the director can’t do it because the ned reason for termination is even if she is truly disrespectful
Today he was toat disrespectful to me because he gave us a homework on a subject that we had not even discussed and I asked another math teacher for help who explained it to me and so it was also found that we had not had it in class and I addressed it to him and he was totally mad and didn’t want to accept it.
That’s so stupid but I can try you, have now also submitted 3 classes complaint against the teacher and look joa times
Maybe you try.I wish you good luck🍀🍀🍀🍀