Kann man ein Kirschkernkissen wirklich nicht waschen?
Auf dem Schild steht nix, waschen, nix trocknen, nix gar nix… Aber wenn’s nicht mehr schön ist? Was tun? Neu kaufen?
Ich meine: ich könnt’s versuchen und drauf ankommen lassen. Neu kaufen kann ich dann immer noch :o)
New cover sew in the same size and refill.
INTRODUCTION: The cherry kernels are not bad or moulded!!!! In this case, I’d rather get a new one. HEALTH !
You can wash the cover. But the cores don’t really get it. She’d be smiling with a chance.
So: Separe and empty reference in a small place. Then wash and fill in later.
I would get the cores out, wash cover, fill cores and sew.
Separation, filling out, washing, filling, sewing.
That’s how they did it earlier. ;
Oh, damn it:oD I could have gotten into it… like stupid!
Sometimes the solution is so close!
Thanks to all the answerers!
Could still be housewife 2019… 😉
Och, man:o( That hurts… ;o)
I hope it was helpful enough – also on other household issues, always at your disposal… 😉
Hahahahaha! What is important is now is the hole from which the cores sprinkle out… and then click back… 😉
The worst thing is, I would have thought about this stupid question, the title would be to whom if not to me:oD Where is the hole in which I can crawl?