Can you get a rabbit that lives outdoors and has been indoors for 3 weeks to get used to the cold again?
Hello, I wanted to ask if I can put my baby rabbit (about 11/12 weeks old) back outside. She lives outside, but because she had coccidia (and was underweight) she was inside with me for about 2 1/2 weeks, as she had to get about 3/4 injections every day.
Now that she's in top shape, we'd like to put her outside again, but I'm a little concerned about the cold. Could we get her used to the cold again, or would it be better to keep her inside until spring?
Ps: I would rather leave them inside, unfortunately my father is against it, hence my question.
Can be put out again if you slowly get used to the cold temperature again, i.e. for a few days, leave the window open for a few hours. Then leave the window open during the day. Then leave the window open at night and then she can get out sometime. It takes a few weeks.
She can’t get out like that. She’s getting sick. You shouldn’t have let her go to the house so easily.
Our rabbits were also drunk and always out (except for illness) I had exactly the same in mind and filled the stable with straw that it was warm and controlled it and just took it back with who it was too cold
have you left your candy in the evening? or when did you always get it in?
Yes we have them whom dark was let in
did you just make a stroh/heu etc, or anything else? (can I always imagine that stroh keeps warm)π
had some complications? did she come back and forth with the last cold?
Hello, I’d either keep them in winter, otherwise I’d get used to the cold again, by looking at it’s always quite cool inside. Also outside would be important that there is always plenty of hay and straw available, which also helps the rabbit in cold. Equally important is that the rabbit is vaccinated otherwise I wouldn’t hold it out in any case even if it were okay from the cold.
vaccinated is full.
Wait till spring. If you didn’t have the same outside temperature in there, you shouldn’t just put it out again because that’s a harder change
If you get it in, then get it out again, etc then the zb will benefit
have always looked at it as cool as possible. (of course I didn’t want to freeze, but during the day I left the window open for example in school, etc)