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5 years ago

Until now, in my knowledge, mankind has not invented anything that cannot be destroyed.

5 years ago

With the means a passenger has available, not. Basically, you can destroy everything!

5 years ago

In principle, all human-made components can be destroyed. So the explosion of a nuclear bomb can ruin you all day.

However, an aircraft window already holds a lot; large-area force action altogether. Small parts such as e.g. rifle ammunition can of course destroy the window, even if two discs are installed and one is sufficient to keep the entire cabin pressure.

The inner, cabin-side pane as a “third” pane is simply a protection against scratches and greasy passenger hands and does not have any supporting function, but does not mean that you can destroy them by thundering.

5 years ago

This only doesn’t feel stable because the inner pane is made of normal plastic and this only protects the correct and stable pane behind it from contact by humans.

5 years ago

You can destroy everything!

5 years ago

This is special plastic glass… with an axe you can’t get through!