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I assume that there is a safety system in the case of aircraft, which prevents it, as these machines fly at a high level. It’s different for smaller single-engines.
Yeah, that’s possible.
Contrary to many comments here, even commercial aircraft such as the A319 / A320 / A321 or the Boeing 737 have a warning if a door has not been properly closed or even is open, but no mechanism would prevent the rolling or starting process.
In smaller machines such as Cessna 182 and similar models it is also possible, here there is often not even a warning.
Similarly to the car, you can also fly off with open door – whether it is sensible / dangerous, naturally stands on another sheet.
The only thing that is in the way is any existing security mechanisms. Otherwise it’s not a thing.
Yes, however, from a certain height, guests can no longer get oxygen
Physical? Yes. However, whether the boarding system of a modern aircraft allows this is another question.
It depends on the plane. Passenger machines will probably have a door control. Maybe they only warn – and do not stop the start. Because you probably trust the pilot that he knows that it is usually not sensible to start with an open door.
Yes, otherwise no parachute jumps would be possible
Just because you have to start with an open door.
It is impossible to open the door when you have reached its target height.
You’re really unbelievable.
There’s nothing to fight. It is obvious that you do not have to start with an open door so that you can perform parachute jumps.
So that’s not an argument. You can’t argue about that.
Sure you can.
Yeah, it’s easy.
Start yes, but to fly to 10000m altitude will not go.
Either a computer blocks that or you die because you don’t have any oxygen…