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3 years ago

Depending on the city. Many want to have appointments. If you have all the papers together, hold your appointment, you’ll get a license plate. This is usually shaped in the immediate vicinity and renns again to the switch which then finishes the approval

3 years ago

I’d look at their web page. A lot of people make appointments because of Corona. There are license plates for the label printer(store). Mostly one is close to the registration office. Then get back with the signs and plaque on it.

With us, traders can also appear without registration. They are preferably treated. I only had the time when a commercial vehicle was transferred.

3 years ago

1. You can access the website of your registration office.

Two. Of course

3 years ago

You can’t say that. Approval bodies have different rules. You won’t get anything with us without appointment. This works perfectly with appointment, (almost) without waiting times.

You get license plates at the small shops that are always available directly at the admission points.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bondo324

lasts five minutes (if no other customers are before). So go rattfatz. You can also (not sure if this goes with all admission points), reserve your wish mark, ordering and bringing it via the Internet. Then you get it glued right away.

3 years ago

How do you know?

You citizens’ offices, road traffic offices have different Corona rules.

With us you only come to the town hall with an appointment, so without going, not with waiting time. But that’s what we’re doing with appointment.

3 years ago

There’s no sign here and there’s signs at the signmaker.