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You ‘ordered’ not ‘at eBay’but you buy binding a seller, which only uses eBay as a sales platform.
eBay is not a children’s shop, here will be legally valid purchase contracts according to the BGB completed.
So the thing is really simple:
Click: Am I obliged to accept and pay the purchased item?
If the seller provider yes (30 days right of return) otherwise NO
I think about 14 days.
Depends on how it was bought (e.g. if a defect was not notified) and whether it was purchased privately or on business.
A non-wanting does not constitute a legitimate purchase contract disorder. Therefore, if there is no further than an optical defect, a return is not possible depending on the purchase agreement.
No, but you can sell things on your own.
Depends on who sold him to you.
I ordered and paid
and what is in the text of the article? is a return allowed?
You just have to send the article back and deal with the seller. If he does, it’s okay.
He has not sent out yet I ordered and paid
You have to deal with the seller.