Kann man eigentlich bei irgendeinem Fahrschule extra Fahrstunden machen weil ich beim Auto fahren nicht sicher bin deswegen und ich habe meinen Führerschein?
der Klasse B seit August 2012
der Klasse B seit August 2012
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Hi Leute, ich habe heute einen neuen endschalldämpfer montiert bekommen.bin gerade Probe gefahren – mega geil alles. Beim aussteigen ist mir aufgefallen, dass mein Auspuff dampft. ist das normal ? es riecht auch etwas liebe grüsse
Sure. Driving hours for driving licence owners belong to the usual business
Those who are unsure or have not driven a car for a long time are well advised to book a few driving hours.
The driving instructor probably has to teach you less about the traffic rules. The driving hours are supposed to give you first and foremost safety when you restart. There are no compulsory hours, of course.
Check out 2-3 driving schools in your area and have no obligation to advise you. Then you compare the offers.
You don’t need to worry that the driving schools are wondering about your request. They immediately know what you want.
You can usually see prices per driving hour on the side of the driving schools.
My personal opinion is:
If you want to refresh your knowledge through a few driving hours, you might consider whether certain areas are particularly important to you.
This could be night trips, for example. There is also a lot of uncertainty when driving onto the highway.
In contrast to the normal pupils, you can determine the focus of the training trips yourself.
By the way:
If you make mistakes during a driving hour, your driving licence will of course remain unaffected.
If you’re passing a red light, you wouldn’t get a fine decision. The responsibility of the driver who has not prevented the violation.
Good luck!
Yeah, you can do that, that’s what happens regularly. Last year, an acquaintance (approximately 60 years) took a few hours to refresh because she could not drive for a few years because of illness and felt unsure. That’s what every instructor makes on demand.
Klaro , this is a welcome offer for the driving school 😉.
great success 🍀
Sure. Just go and ask.
I’m even in the driving school, my teachers have already told me that this is going to happen again and again.
You can do that at any driving school.
Sure. They deserve their money. If they aren’t overrun and have no more capacity, I don’t see why they didn’t want to sell hours.
Yes. It’s even sensible. Automatic also facilitates a lot.