Kann man Eier(Hühner Eier) auf einer Heizung ausbrüten?

Hallo ich bin neu hier und der Grund ist wegen meiner wichtigen Frage. Uns war möchte ich testen ob mann Eier aus dem Supermarkt ausbrüten kann und da Küken schlüpfen. Ich möchte es auf der Heizung versuchen wird es klappen oder braucht man eine brutmaschine. Also das da vielleicht nicht s schlüpft weil es aus den Supermarkt ist ist ok. Aber würde es klappen wenn das Ei befruchtet ist auf der Heizung auszubrüten?

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6 years ago

Not really.

You didn’t run 24/7 at the same temperature.

In addition, eggs need not only a certain temperature to be able to develop, but also a certain humidity and depending on the species, the eggs must be moved or are completely calm.

And an egg just slips “maybe” not but “safe” not when it comes from the supermarket. Firstly, because these eggs were not fertilized, and even if a gobble had lost itself in the chicken stable, the eggs have already been cooled. And so every embryo has died.

6 years ago

Doesn’t work.

  1. If the egg needs a relatively constant temperature of 37°. With heating, neither this temperature is reached nor can it be kept constant.
  2. The humidity is not true. You can’t keep it in such a large room.
6 years ago

In order to be able to breed an egg successfully, the heat chain must not be interrupted, for eggs in the supermarket this has long been the case! So if you want to brunette one, get one from the peasant, freshly taken under the ass of a hen and then you can try it! Here it is not to be cooked, so if you turn the heating up to full pull, then in a few minutes you have no chick.

Rather, there is a heat lamp, you can protect the egg from burns! And the temperature is very uniform!

Prerequisite is that you get an egg that is fertilized! That’s a lucky handle.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sofiamai

And did it work????

6 years ago
Reply to  Sofiamai

But not the organic eggs from the market

6 years ago
Reply to  AudiA489

That’s not true with the heat chain. A chicken also only lays a few eggs (every day only one) before it starts with the broth. And as long as they don’t sit on the eggs, otherwise the chicks would slip with several days difference and the boys need after a maximum of 24 what to eat. Therefore, she has to lay the eggs and then start brewing, otherwise all the kisses from #3 have no chance anymore.

By the way, a heat lamp does not really work. It’s too inaccurate. This may work if the egg is in a box and the lamp only has to heat a small space, but even there I do not believe in it.

6 years ago
Reply to  summersweden

So a hen can grow up at the farm every day, but is rather unlikely and from my past I know that I had to prefer the eggs under the back. So they put themselves on it, that doesn’t happen in mass animal husbandry, because the hens are so stressed and the eggs fall directly into a railing system!

It can work! But rather unlikely! The heat chain must be nicth interrupted, so it is always warm and wooly in the chicken stall. Otherwise it does not work with the broth 😉

6 years ago

no you can’t, you can even

6 years ago
Reply to  Sofiamai

no des goes ned, because they are me once ned fertilized, fertilized eggs you can fertilize, or the hen stop, but to know if the eggs are fertilized you have to put them directly out of the chicken stable under a lamp, you see the

6 years ago

It doesn’t work because you can’t keep the temperature constant or the humidity.

6 years ago

No, the temperature must be more constant, you only heat one side of the egg, and the eggs from the supermarket are usually not fertilized. Also important is not only the temperature, but also the correct humidity. It definitely doesn’t work on a heater.

6 years ago

You can also sit on it for 21 days.

5 years ago
Reply to  Sofiamai

Has Galileo made serious:D

6 years ago

no does not work

6 years ago


3 years ago
Reply to  Goldicoco

If necessary, you can bring them to a farm after a time!

3 years ago

Hello, so I took a bio egg about 1.5 weeks ago and put it on the heating and it actually forms a chick!!! I would also recommend you to take a organic egg because in normal eggs the fertilized eggs are sorted out and in organic eggs you must not do that, i.e. in organic eggs you have a higher chance that a fertilized egg is there as with me also you can easily check if a chick forms after about a week on the heating you just have to keep a flashlight under it (it also works with a mobile phone flashlight) and then you can see that

2 years ago

Once a child found a nest with duck eggs in a flood. Put the eggs in the heating cellar on the warm pipes and a duck is hatched! It was a stick.

6 years ago


6 years ago
Reply to  Sofiamai

At 5 it would be a lot too hot, even with temperature fluctuations of +- 0.3°C, the whole thing can go wrong, you never get it with heating. In addition, the humidity must be…

3 years ago
Reply to  Sofiamai

Mine is just about to slip and I just put it on the heater as you want to do. Good luck 🍀😉