Kann man diese Watte für Stofftier Füllung nutzen?

Was passiert mit der Watte wenn man die in die Waschmaschine tut (das Stofftier) geht das dann kaputt ?

Ganz normale watte von Rossmann

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3 months ago

Take care of special filling tie.

The normal cotton wool becomes clumpy and after washing the figure looks anything but beautiful.

3 months ago

The cotton can not be washed and is also not suitable for fabric animals. You should either buy full-watt or take the filling from old cuddly animals, pillows or the like. If you would wash cosmetic cotton with the lump, pack time n wattepad under water, move the n bite rum and let it dry, that would look in your fabric animal. Besides, parts of the cotton would loosen and you would have the little white feet everywhere. Take dear cotton that is meant to be, that if you buy them new is definitely more expensive than cosmetic cotton, in pillows or similar isses then something cheaper straight when you take old pillows

3 months ago

She doesn’t go, only she’s sure she’s different and then you have almost nothing at your head and maybe more at the tail (if a dog is e.g.). Is like a pillow

3 months ago
Reply to  Mondlicht7164

Unfortunately, yes… you can’t make much of the stuffed animal at all or only rarely wash

3 months ago

if you use normal cosmetic wadding, you will spoil your work.

you need special polyesterwatts for that which does not clump.

the filling from an old deco cushion goes also. but you have to pluck them up fluffy before processing.

3 months ago

It’s less suitable. It’s lumped in the washing machine.
You should take full-length. You can use them from cheap pillows (e.g. IKEA sofa cushions).

3 months ago
Reply to  Mondlicht7164

I don’t know. An acquaintance of me crochets animals and always fills them with this type of cotton and is enthusiastic.
And she tried different things.