Kann man diese bestellung zu einer Packstation liefern lassen?
Hallo ich will etwas zu einer packstation bestellen. Ich habe auch schon ein Account von DHL mir erstellt und habe ihn auch schon verifiziert mit adresse, ausweis etc.
In dem Brief welcher ich von DHL bekommen habe steht das man bestimmte daten eingeben soll wie z.B Postnummer usw.
Aber kann ich die in diesem Fall hier auch eingeben und wenn ja wo?
So sieht das aus wenn ich etwas auf dieser Seite bestellen will und die Adresse eingeben muss, kann ich das dann hier irgendiwe eingeben das es dann zur Packstation geliefert wird oder geht das nicht?
The photo missing
And to the packing station can only be sent if DHL is the transporter
Yeah, that’s just coming in, I forgot.
Yes, but in this case, DHL is the transmitter.
Can’t be.
Packing stations are from 18 and of course this is also checked.
3. Verification and device activation (approx. 5 min – 4 days)
After successful registration, we verify your data after the registration process.
For verification, you can choose from several methods:
POSTIDENT ID verification (approx. 5 – 10 min.)
This verification may be carried out exclusively by: Post & DHL Appare carried out.
Install the app and after login you will be POSTIDENTforwarded. There you can choose which method you want to be identified. You can choose from the online identification function (eID only with the ID card) as well as the verification of photos from the ID with AutoID (only the ID card and passport) or FotoIdent (all IDs incl. the driver’s license).
After performing the procedure, your mobile device is automatically activated for the use of the packaging station.
After completion of verification, you can use the Packstations service.
AddressTAN (approx. 2 – 4 days)
If we were able to verify your data automatically and you opt for this procedure, you will receive your personal AddressTan by post a few working days later. The TAN completes the address check.
If we were unable to automatically confirm your identity, you will receive your personal AddressTAN by registered letter. In doing so, the supplier will check your ID.
Source: https://www.dhl.de/de/privatecustomers/package receptions/an-einem-abholort-receptions/packstation/packstation-registration.html
Here you will find a guide. Point 2 is how to address a packaging station. You need your mail number and the number of the packing station with address and PLZ.
Of course, this is only possible if DHL is sent. Other providers can’t send it.
But since you are underage, it is not possible to do so because you have to be full-year.