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Yeah, sure. I had lower quality in the beginning. They look relatively good and are definitely suitable when they fit and sit well. One should have a good feeling that one can move well and feel the movements of the horse well and then balance.
I hope I could help!
LG Benni
Oh, the sole shouldn’t be hard to hurt the horse.
So it’s really very good, high-quality shoes for equipment tournaments and have a shared brine.
With the divided sole, it is easier to balance the movements and are more pleasant for both man and horse while exercising.
Of course, they would go.
But if you want to buy extra, there are very good models that were specially designed for the Voltigier Sport.
The Bleyer brand has been very well in all price segments for years. From the starter to the world champion, I know many who are swarming from this brand.
I assume there are extra volcanic shoes nowadays. In the 1990s when there was a voltigation group in the club, there was no such thing as the normal gymnastics shoes from the sport were used. These 5 to 10 Euro pieces – at the time 5 to 10 Mark – that all students have in their sports bags.
That which the picture seems to be worth a four-digit amount (this is what usually comes out when the author goes to court), is already a real high-tech shoe for gymnasts. There was no such thing, at least not for young people to German championships, who had all of us this light simple stuff.
This is why voltigators like newly incorporated in the hall sand do not like sandwood floors. With these shoes jumping on a wooden piece is not exactly pleasant.
Think that there are extra shoes for volunteers, but I’m not sure. You can also try it with normal gymnastics shoes, and what you need later you can definitely say.