Kann man die neunte Klasse in NRW überspringen?

Also wenn ich jetzt in der achten Klasse 2. Halbjahr die Noten erreiche, die man zum überspringen bräuchte. Kann man dann überspringen oder machen die Schulen das dann nicht mehr?

Ich habe mich am 6.12.2021 freiwillig zurücksetzen lassen, was ich jetzt sehr bereue. Ich habe mich aber nicht wegen sehr schlechten Leistungen zurücksetzen lassen.

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3 months ago

We then had to show that you taught the ninth class teaching material yourself by testing. If you weren’t, you were not allowed to skip, because the teaching material is partially built up. This was due to the fact that otherwise ski jumpers no longer came along due to the gaps and their notes had deteriorated rapidly

at such ask you to your teachers and not to a asking platform.

3 months ago

Why are you here telling us that you’ve been retired?


3 months ago
Reply to  Squuex

This is not a reason to deprive the helpers of important information (and also not for double threads).


3 months ago

I can only tell you about this question how you ask your question so that you don’t shoot yourself.


3 months ago

It is always important to say something about the overall context, just if you don’t know in the area! In the specific case, e.g. such arguments come as “Then you are much younger than the others, leave it,” which is not supposed to be right with you and does not help you because you have been retired. So you’ll shoot yourself.
