Can the negative effects of cannabis use be prevented?
Hello everyone, I'm wondering if there are any negative sides to cannabis.
Can it prevent schizophrenia, psychosis, depression, panic attacks, anxiety disorders, etc.?
E.g., with vitamins? Strengthening the immune system? Growing your own weed? Cutting high-THC weed with CBD?
CBD can be helpful in fomen of schizophrenia.
It is also known that cannabis is prescribed medically in anxiety disorders, depression and panic attacks (for example in connection with a diagnosed PTBS)
The negative aspects of cannabis (criminalization, prosecution, stigmatization,) are most likely encountered by serious information and clarification. I therefore recommend reading the pocketbook “Rauschzeichen” (by Wurth and Geyer) for years to all cannabis beginners.
I started crying there I was 16, at first everything was cool, the worse it went private, the more bad it got high.
Nevertheless, I got further grounded and out of the relaxed high became a panic high, since I’ve been totally uneasy when I cuffed that’s why I just let it stay.
Whether there is something that completely excludes negative experiences, I doubt as soon as you realize that the high does not relax anymore, but rather has a negative effect, let it stay better and make either a break until you generally get better or let it stay more generally
so I made 6 years rough about 17 starting from and beginning from 18/19 every day more times less off and on pauses of 1 week. would I have thought you would have noticed this in this time? have always done it well (just get a panic attack )
Mostly, just look into the family, there are accumulations of mental illnesses? If so, the chances are good that you are more affected by it
Most likely, however, you can miss that in which you consume reasonably and smoke more varieties with a lot of CBD and less THC (15% or less best), the completely overgrown varieties, take off your socks quickly, smoked oil more often in Amsterdam, then I really thought I’m in a gossip, so the higher the THC content the more undesirable side effects
prevent sounds a bit wrong, of course you can do a lot of things that seem more contrary to this, but if that makes a difference in the individual case, who knows
But clearly, more CBD to your THC grass will not hurt. Just like smoke grass where you can be sure it wasn’t raised with pesticides.
Whether this now prevents a psychosis that would otherwise be compromised, one cannot say of course.