Kann man die Krankenversicherungs-Beiträge vollständig geltend machen bei der Steuererklärung i.V.m. Paragraph 10 Abs. 4 EStG?

Wir haben im Studium eine Aufgabe, bei welcher wir die KV-Beiträge i.H.v. 3.500€ vollständig geltend gemacht haben/von der Steuer abgesetzt haben, da dies laut Paragraph 10 Abs. 4 EStG so verlangt ist.

KV-Beiträge gelten unter Sonderausgaben als Vorsorgeaufwendungen und wenn ich das google und im o.g. Paragraph nachschaue, dann lese ich von einem separatem Höchstbetrag von 2.800€ für Vorsorgeaufwendungen.

Deshalb die Frage, ob ich im Paragraphen was überlesen habe, denn hab ich mir aber schon tausend mal durchgelesen…

Analog der Paragraph 10 Abs. 4:

“(4) 1Vorsorgeaufwendungen im Sinne des Absatzes 1 Nummer 3 und 3a können je Kalenderjahr insgesamt bis 2 800 Euro abgezogen werden. 2Der Höchstbetrag beträgt 1 900 Euro bei Steuerpflichtigen, die ganz oder teilweise ohne eigene Aufwendungen einen Anspruch auf vollständige oder teilweise Erstattung oder Übernahme von Krankheitskosten haben oder für deren Krankenversicherung Leistungen im Sinne des § 3 Nummer 9, 14, 57 oder 62 erbracht werden. 3Bei zusammen veranlagten Ehegatten bestimmt sich der gemeinsame Höchstbetrag aus der Summe der jedem Ehegatten unter den Voraussetzungen von Satz 1 und 2 zustehenden Höchstbeträge. 4Übersteigen die Vorsorgeaufwendungen im Sinne des Absatzes 1 Nummer 3 die nach den Sätzen 1 bis 3 zu berücksichtigenden Vorsorgeaufwendungen, sind diese abzuziehen und ein Abzug von Vorsorgeaufwendungen im Sinne des Absatzes 1 Nummer 3a scheidet aus.”

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2 years ago

I’m trying to gradually disassemble the paragraph.

1Expenditure incurred in accordance with points 3 and 3a of paragraph 1 may be deducted up to EUR 2 800 per calendar year.
2The maximum amount is EUR 1 900 for taxable persons who are entitled to a full or partial refund or takeover of sickness costs or for their health insurance in whole or in part without their own expenses.

Services i.S.d. 10 para. 1 No 3 EStG:

  • Basic insurance (legal/ private health insurance, nursing insurance…). They are always fully removable (why follow below).

Services i.S.d. 10 para. 1 No 3a EStG would be anything else

  • Health insurance, nursing insurance, insofar as this is not a basic insurance, and other insurances such as accident insurance, liability insurance etc.

To the maximum amounts:

  • 2.800€ if you carry all expenses yourself
  • 1,900€ if you either bear no or only partly expenses.

In this case, we assume that the HB is €2,800.

4If the precautionary expenses referred to in point 3 of paragraph 1 exceed the precautionary expenses to be taken into account in accordance with sentences 1 to 3, they shall be deducted and a deduction of precautionary expenses referred to in point 3a of paragraph 1 shall be excluded.”

In your case, if the precautionary expenses i.S.d. 10 paragraph 1 No. 3 EStG (see above) exceed the 3,500€, the HB of 2,800€ and you also add additional benefits to the health insurance etc. (No basic insurance) or other insurance expenses (i.S.d. 10 para. 1 No. 3a EStG), the latter will not be deducted at all, but only the precautionary expenses for the basic protection (3,500€), no matter how high they are.

And this is also the reason why the €3,500 can be deducted even if they exceed the maximum amount.

2 years ago
Reply to  MoinMeister999


1 year ago
Reply to  Giota210

How much precautionary expenses can I deduct if I am fully exempted from health insurance? (because living abroad)

1 year ago
Reply to  Gringo58

These would then be taken into account after 10 (1) No 3a EStG.

And this in the context of the maximum amounts from above my answer (each 2.800 or 1.900).

If you’re not legal. If you are entitled to a basic health insurance that takes advantage of the HB, you can pay the expenses according to 10 (1a) No. 3a to the above limits in my answer.

But only if you have such expenses.

1 year ago

What are the expenses? Isn’t there a cash-free amount?

2 years ago

The reason for this apparent discrepancy lies in the legal history and the system of the applicability of different legal requirements. In principle, the legislator has already limited WIMRE around the year 2000 the pre-determinable share of the precautionary expenditure in the EStG to the stated € 2800.– per taxable person. However, as a result of the introduction of the PPS 2009 and the constitutional provisions and decisions of the BVerfG, this amount has already been exceeded in most cases by the basic safeguarding in the KV/PFV, which, however, does not alter its predictability at full level – only then all further expenses of the taxable person remain unworthy in this area. In cases where the taxable person does not have to pay KV/PFV contributions (e.g. because there is an adequate other guarantee), on the other hand, the limit referred to applies, so that expenses of other types can be claimed up to € 2,800.–.