Kann man die Helligkeit irgendwie ubertakten? Pc Monitor?

Hallo ich bin auf pc und habe ein redmi 165hz Monitor leider ist er sehr dunkel. Ich habe bereits die helligkeit in denn Einstellungen auf maximum gestellt aber ich kann kaum etwas sehen ohne denn Vorhang zu schließen. Kann ich die Helligkeit irgendwie erhohen oder übertakten? Danke im Vorraus

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8 months ago

Is it possible to overclock the brightness?

Tjeroretical yes, but cheaper is just nen new to buy

8 months ago

there are films that break the light reflection, so that the screen can work brighter

8 months ago

Hello – behind your screen (is referred to as “monitor” in the foreign language), one or two stickers should be attached by the manufacturer. With the model name/identification, you can get to the exact product on the manufacturer’s network page. At this point, please copy from the address bar & paste it here or should such details/details as a link (referred to as “link” in the foreign language) rather be in your description. These are important information. Otherwise you can only guess.

It’s never wrong to tell the periphery of his system (they are called “hardware” in the foreign language) components. These include whether the computer is mobile or rather stationary. The BS (operating system), whether it is a Linux or Windows version, etc., should never be left.

Without this information, your description appears very superficial. If you don’t know how to read out your own system, you can see the tools (which are called “tools” in the foreign language) & the links to the network pages of the manufacturer where you can load them down. For this, there are also zwo optimal tools that are free.

Until the days.

8 months ago

To the monitor, a leaf should be how to control the settings.

Some monitors are weak in illumination and can thus only achieve a light brightness that is brighter than the sunlight with you.

The same can be seen in some smartphones. The one are easily readable in daylight others are not in turn.

Therefore, when buying a monitor, you should also pay attention to the brightness of the device.

8 months ago

I haven’t heard yet. With simple monitors it is certainly not possible, perhaps with monitors with USB/WLAN via the firmware.

8 months ago

I think HDR is the problem here. What is your HDR standard? Is that part IPS and how much nits should he have? How did you calibrate all this in Windows?

Sidefact, few games on the PC have even a clever HDR implementation. You need to use Windows Auto HDR and calibrate it correctly. Even better is RTX HDR from Nvidia (but still has quite high performance costs)

In advance, if you have HDR 400 on IPS, turn off the junk, that’s not a HDR. In my opinion, HDR 400 should not be sold as HDR.