Kann man die Darmspiegelung auch mit Betäubung in wachem Zustand machen?
Hallo,ich habe mal eine Frage,meine Mutter möchte sich eine Darmspiegelung machen lassen,und hat von einer Bekannten erfahren,dass also die Bekannte eine Betäubungsspritze bekommen hat,also dass sie wach war aber halt keine Schmerzen hat,gibt’s das echt,hat damit jemand Erfahrungen?
Wäre über eure Antworten sehr dankbar.
I think it’s possible to address the doctor. However, I know from experience that it is not necessary for an intervention that does not take 2 minutes. It’s just a little unpleasant, because you get some air blown in there so that they can widen everything and have a better look at it. Your mom really doesn’t need to be afraid of it.
Best regards to your mom
I’ve had to make a colon reflection with me several times. She took about half an hour each.
The first time I gave myself a “light soothing syringe”, the doctor called it. I got little things and then I could remember two questions that were asked to me during the intestinal reflection, but in the end I felt as if I had slept the intestinal reflection.
I left the last two intestinal reflections without medication. I was told every time I could ask for a syringe at any time during the reflection.
In short, I have doubts that it can be possible for you to stay awake during the reflection and get the most.
As a rule, you will always get something, such a short-acting agent, so you can sleep something. Mostly the dormicum or propofol is. I don’t like taking medicines, but in such a case, I would also say: I want to be a good one. And the advantage is, you can’t remember the investigation anymore, isn’t great, so ne ass inspection.
Yeah, she can. Just have to discuss it with the doctor