Kann man die AstreaZeneca-Impfung nicht mit anderen Ersetzen?

Trotz möglichen Hirnvenenthrombosen wurde sie nach einer Pause weiter an Risiko-Gruppen verabreicht.

Wäre es nicht besser mit anderen Gruppen zu verhandeln und diese zu verteilen, ist das nicht möglich wegen begrenzter Ressource? Ist das nicht zu Risikolastig?

PS: Ich weiss das ist freiwillig, trotzdem wird es verabreicht usw.

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3 years ago

No one is forced to use AstraZeneca, everyone can decide freely. And at least with us, women under 60 are strictly advised.

3 years ago
Reply to  Thecco

Alcohol and cigarettes are also sold, and beauty surgery is not prohibited. And none of this has a benefit for the general public and only a very small one for oneself, while they are significantly more risky than vaccination. We are mouthy beings and can decide something like that.

3 years ago

And Biontech and Moderna produce myocarditis in men aged 15-30 years.

The probability of this is very low. Finally, there is something to be put out on each vaccine. Whatever it is.

3 years ago

In many federal states, AstreaZeneca has not been allowed for women and men under 60 years

3 years ago
Reply to  Thecco

for which the vaccine is also less risky but even recommended

3 years ago

the vaccine is not so risky for older people. I don’t know more than the info itself