Kann man den Piloten noch vertrauen?
Kann man den Piloten noch vertrauen schließlich reicht aus wen sie einen Hebel umlegen . Dann hat sein Unglück seinen lauf genommen .
Kann man den Piloten noch vertrauen schließlich reicht aus wen sie einen Hebel umlegen . Dann hat sein Unglück seinen lauf genommen .
Guten Tag, Welcher Flughafen ist größer Flughafen Zürich oder Flughafen Frankfurt. Grüße
Hallo zusammen Ich fliege bald 10:45h von Frankfurt nach Shanghai es ist mein erster Langstrecken Flug bei meiner Recherche zu Tipps für Langstrecken Flüge bin ich von Augen Tropfen bis hin zu extrem teuren Nacken Kissen gestoßen. Aber was ist davon wirklich nötigen was sind eure Tipps und Tricks und was braucht man wirklich und…
Hallo, ich stelle mir teilweise die Frage, was evtl. die Ursachen sein könnten, weshalb das Vordach des Indira Ghandi Flughafens vor einem Tag einstürzte. Sind generell die Stahlbaukonstruktionen in Indien generell so schlecht, liegt es teilweise auch an den Monsunregen selbst (die allerdings in Südasien, auch aufgrund des Klimawandels stärker ausfallen) bzw. was könnte der…
Moin, Ich bin heute mit ein paar freunden geflogen und hatte dafür auch einen Sitzplatz reserviert. Beim Boarding wurden wir jetzt aber alle auseinander gesetzt. So weit nicht dramatisch, ist ja kein Problem… Aber warum habe nur ich von uns allen einen Boarding Pass mit meinem neuen sitzplatz bekommen? Wir hatten alle online check in,…
Eine Website
Ich will Kampfpilot werden und möchte Erfahrung im Simulator sammeln. Am besten in DCS. Das Problem ist das es den Eurofighter dort nicht gibt. Welcher Jet ist dem Eurofighter ähnlich, sowohl im Handling als auch den Instrumenten?
If you can still trust car drivers, you can still trust police officers, you can trust bakers, you can still trust child educators.
Each of them would have the possibility of harming others by consciously doing something wrong in the profession.
You can, yes, you have to. You don’t have anything else. If I wouldn’t trust that cars will stay on the traffic lights at Red, I don’t need to go over the street.
In most cases, it is. The few cases in which it does not work can still be divided into which it was unintentional or intended. Those who intentionally do this are, however, rather a vanishingly small number.
Best regards
1. pilots sieved by the adjustment tests; the probability that one falls through the grid is given, but extremely low.
Two. There is no flight accident which can be caused by the actuation of a single lever. It always includes a “fault chain” – including the misjudgment of information or wrong actions by the crew.
That was always there and will always exist as long as the carriages are not replaced by an AI. And even then, the freedom of accident is not guaranteed, although certainly reduced, if one gives mathematicians faith.
3. A military pilot flying a fully armed Eurofighter must trust the whole army and this republic even more, because he could put the Zeil in Frankfurt in Schutt and Ash without any problems.
And this has never happened and is certainly not unlikely for the future, but also not really impossible. But so far the selection of the bw was quite successful.
4. Of course, you can also trust a truck or bus driver who is beyond all regulations and who transports dangerous goods or passengers.
Five. You can also sit on the meadow and hope not to be beaten by lightning – or just stay home.
Every day you blindly trust hundreds of thousands of people who have conceived, created, built things that you use every day, whether it is the bridge over which you drive, the car you control, the nuclear power plant that supplies you the electricity, etc.
So more of the testosterone-controlled neighbor’s boy would scare me because he now has his license for three weeks, he could drive. Every day, most accidents still happen in their own four walls and every day people die in road traffic. Even the hospital is a dangerous place. There many people go in with harmless diseases and come out with life-threatening.
Life is now dangerous and there is no security. (Ironie on) Even if you stay in your bed, this is still the most dangerous place in the world, because there die – purely statistically – still the most common people (Ironie off).
Then don’t fly anymore. No one will miss you. Nobody’s gonna scratch it. But please don’t directly dismiss an entire professional group.
So if you put all the pilots under a general plan, you shouldn’t leave the house and join. But at least trust the postman so you don’t starve!
Would be enough for a crazy car driver – or a crazy polzist with gunshot. It has nothing to do with pilots.
Yeah, but his life is over, and I’m sure he doesn’t want a pilot.
well, the young story wrote that differently.
Well, it’s true. But that happened first. So I think the chance to die for example in a car accident is significantly higher….
This has happened more often than once.
Why not? Here it is important not to generalize. Did you see what a Ukrainian pilot has done in Turkey? Google Maps
And not the bus driver?
Even if you die, you die. lol