Kann man den gelöschten Safari Verlauf sehen?
Kann mein Vater irgendwie den gelöschten Suchverlauf auf Safari sehen ? Wenn ja kann man den Entgültig löschen?
bitte antworten wäre liebbbbb
Kann mein Vater irgendwie den gelöschten Suchverlauf auf Safari sehen ? Wenn ja kann man den Entgültig löschen?
bitte antworten wäre liebbbbb
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kann ich auf tiktok leute mit denen man befreundet ist , meine lives und Videos sperren? Also ohne zu blockieren Danke
Muss ca. 50gb kurzeitig speichern habe aber keine festplatte/usb- stick mit so viel speicherplatz. Eine Cloud habe ich auch nicht. Gibst da eine andere Methode?
Safari is a browser – no search engine.
A search history is broken by the search engine (e.g. google).
A browser only has the history of the called URLs.
No, Safari can Search results in google not delete.
As long as you are not logged into a google account, you cannot delete or view a personalized search – your father is not.
Applies to all search engines and means notthat google & Co. could not track you anyway.
So no one can see my course not delete?
You asked for the search – and the answer is correct.
Sorry, I can’t show you here in a few lines the wonders of network technology and their apps – you’d have to work in right.
However, (with activated monitor) Fritzboxen e.g. the visited URLs monitors. The content is encrypted at https connections – but not if you should call playboy.de for example.
What else?
Unknown – you should know what your father has.
But I wouldn’t have anything to do with searches.
Suppose I had been on over 18 pages. Can my father find out anything?
No, you can’t see.
If you delete them in the settings.
How’s that going?
Settings, Safari and then delete search history.
I don’t think so
I don’t know how this is on the router.
So you can’t delete it completely? Stay that forever. Thank you
I can’t say what he sees in the WLAN router.
But on the device you can’t see it anymore.
You can see it on the WLAN router.
And then my father can’t see it? On any programs or wlan routers or so