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1 year ago


Unfortunately, there are no unambiguous symptoms by which it is possible to determine its ovulation without any doubt. Nevertheless, with a bit of body feeling and experience you can see some signs:

  • The resting pulse increases between two and five days before the ovulation by about two beats per minute. The pulse is measured at the wrist or at the neck beater.
  • In the days before and after ovulation, breasts and nipples can be sensitive.
  • At 70 percent of women, the bar lymph nodes are swollen during ovulation. You can feel the glands on both sides of the bar, i.e. at the pool. It’s just that gland lying on the side of the freed egg.
  • It is possible that lubrication bleeding occurs around the time of ovulation and thus display the fertile window.
  • The cervix mucus changes its consistency in the days before ovulation due to the rising estrogen level. The body prepares for ovulation. The outflow should now be clear and smooth, similar to raw protein.
  • Many women feel pain in the pelvic area during the time around the ovulation, the so-called middle pain.
  • The measurement of the basal body temperature (BBT) is not over any doubt. Because there are quick mistakes: the dropping of the thermometer can falsify the result. There is also lack of scientific evidence. The temperature increases after ovulation. But then it is already too late to get pregnant in this cycle. request/knowledge-eisprung.html

1 year ago

No, you can’t. Some have a mediumache that can occur around the ovulation, but is not the ovulation itself

Surely know when you had the ovulation you can only use an ultrashal or the Symptothermal method (a very safe method of contraception, not to be confused with the calendar method)

7 months ago

Of course, I notice the ovulation for many years or so. In the past, I have either not noticed it yet or held it for something else. It hurts down below and feels almost as if my days were coming. I am also often irritable and aggressive.

1 year ago

Not every woman notices it but some women feel a pull or period arte fight.

There are credible tests that you can do but don’t ask me how

Vlt also at the increased outflow

1 year ago

You have liquid outflow and enhanced libido. Some have a pulling in the abdomen or pain.