Kann man davon ausgehen das Mikroplastik in der Lunge genauso schädlich ist wie Rauchen?
Worin unterscheiden sich denn die Rauchbestandteile von den Plastik-Mikropartikeln hinsichtlich der Toxität? Oder ist aus Erdöl hergestellter Kunststoff ein Nicht-Toxischer Stoff?
Because all that penetrates into the lung and is not contained in the normal breathing air is harmful – whether due to a toxic effect or due to the fact that it virtually “closses” the lung.
Every form of foreign bodies in the lung is bad, so I would both be equally harmful. Unfortunately, I can say little about toxicology. Microplastics is taken up by the organism, the tobacco mixture glues the flicker skins and complains about coughing. Smoking is definitely carcinogenic, microplastics certainly also has the potential.
Yes, in any case, and with plastic cigarette filters you have both👌