Kann man das Paket mit dem Nachforschungsauftrag immer finden?

frage steht ja schon oben.. und wird dazu die Polizei eingeschaltet? Wie läuft das ab?

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1 year ago

The recipient must give up the research order if it comes out that the package was stolen by the supplier, then the police will be turned on.

If it has just been lost and is inaccessible, the post will not refund the value if it was insured otherwise.

1 year ago

In your other people, you’re planning to drop a package. And now you want to know if the assignment can be assigned via a research order.
Since even a photo from the deposit location is available through the parcel service, Amazon assumes that you have also received the shipment.
Delivery was apparently carried out by the ama-zone delivery service “Amazon Logistics”, as DHL does not take photos from the storage location that are transmitted to third parties.

1 year ago

If it was stolen, you can never find it. And if it was not insured, so a package, there is no compensation.