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7 months ago

Yes, the care level must be evaluated.

It happens every couple of months.

Inoculates the grandma that makes her beautiful on dying swan, otherwise you lose the care money if she thinks she must show how good she can still do anything

7 months ago

When it comes to assessing the degree of care, the employee has to look at how far your grandma is still mobile. It can be good that he wants to see something like that.

7 months ago

Of course, they can ask.

I recommend not to leave the grandma alone this day. Old people often tend to be more powerful and positive than they are. However, one should not overdo the medical service in the other direction.

It doesn’t hurt anything if the grandma is a bit off and can’t do anything you want.

7 months ago

Yes – because for a nursing stage, the mobility of the test person is also to be assessed. However, Grandma should be able to “actors” quite a bit, because “deductions” in the evaluation are usually followed.

So please don’t get the last one out of you to show yourself good.