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9 months ago


yes – you can do that. As a layman, however, this is not entirely without… and in the certified specialist business, it costs a bar of money. You have to think twice about whether it’s worth one.


9 months ago

With this iPhone 12 it takes a lot of steps to swap the back… The entire iPhone must be built apart, then the frame and the back will be replaced because the are firmly connected to each other.
Presumably costs more than the iPhone itself is worth.


9 months ago

Yeah, you can.

It’s easy.

Buy replacement, then with mockery and fine spatula on the edge gradually lift, gradually remove splinter.

Then heat up with moaning edges, place replacement on it, heat up with moaning edges and press firmly.

I’ve done this a lot of times.

With hot air gun and the corresponding Of course, it is better to do this, but we must also be able to deal with the hot air gun so that no damage occurs.

9 months ago

Yeah, I can.

9 months ago

You can, but it’s not worth it.