Kann man das flicken/nähen?

Hab mich aufs Maul gelegt, ist am Rücken, unter der Kapuze, relativ mittig am Rücken. Ein lfdy hoodie, relativ „schwer“, also hochwertiger stoff.

kann man den noch flicken, dass man das nicht mehr sieht? Gibt es brauchbare/ähnliche Stoffe? Bin offen für alle Tipps


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1 year ago

This is a real challenge if it is to be invisible.

You could try to find a stuffing yarn that is in color. So then put it over the bright damaged areas. But you will always see the stuffed as such.

Concrete what you can’t hide. You could also plug these stuffing points with a matching contrasting color and then stand for the accident.


Alternatively, you could try to remove a small patch at a hidden place (seed from the inside, in the pocket, …) and sew it from the back into the cut-out damaged area. But this too will always be noticed and has the greater risk of misbeing.

1 year ago

I know this isn’t really helpful now, but if it’s under the hood you don’t see it, do you?