Kann man das Deutschlandticket nutzen für ein Bus IC Ersatzverkehr?
Hallo zusammen,
ich plane ein Weg, wie ich von A nach B komme. Dabei möchte ich die Regionalbahn benutzen. Im DB Navigator wird mir aber angezeigt, dass ich noch zusätzlich ein Bus IC nehmen muss. Dabei handelt es sich um Ersatzverkehr. Meine Frage wäre jetzt, kann ich da bedenkenlos mit meinem Deutschlandticket einsteigen?
In principle, the same tickets are valid for replacement traffic as for the train which is replaced by them.
Whether there are any exceptions in this case, you can only answer if you know what connection it is.
So the bus carries the name: “Bus IC to Bahnhof/ZOB, Oberndorf am Neckar”. I would have to go to “Vaihingen Bahnhof (Ost), Stuttgart” and get off at the “Bahnhof/ZOB, Oberndorf Gl. A am Neckar”. In the DB Navigator, I have already set that only local/regional traffic is displayed to me. Nevertheless, I know that IC trains are only allowed in exceptions to the Germany ticket. This would affect the following route: Stuttgart – Singen (Htw) – Konstanz (Gäubahn). Konstanz is my goal.
Ah, yes.
On the route the exception applies that the IC trains between Stuttgart and Singen can also be used with local tickets (including Germany ticket). I therefore assume that this applies to the replacement buses.
All right. Thank you for your time.
If you activate the “Only Local Transport” option, you should also see only the corresponding connections you can use with the Germany Ticket.
I think IC Bus is the replacement for an IC train, so not usable with the ticket.
This is not true because there are some routes such as the Gäubahn where traffic tickets are released because there is no local traffic on the section.
In the navigator, however, the trains are doubled and are present both as a regional express and as an IC. Then at the same time a RE and an IC depart.
So if the train connection for which the replacement traffic is released for near traffic tickets then it works, otherwise not.